The Coinbase Commerce Node SDK provides a convenient way to interact with the Coinbase Commerce API.
# Using yarn
yarn add commerce-node
# Using npm
npm install commerce-node
Create a new SDK instance with your API credentials:
import { CommerceSDK } from 'commerce-node';
const commerce = new CommerceSDK({
apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY', // Required
baseUrl: 'YOUR_API_URL', // Optional, defaults to
baseRpcUrl: 'RPC_URL', // Optional, needed for payments
See SDKConfig
for possible configuration parameters.
// Create a new charge
const { data: newCharge } = await commerce.charges.createCharge({
pricing_type: 'fixed_price',
local_price: {
amount: '100.00',
currency: 'USD',
// Hydrate the charge with Web3 data
const { data: hydratedCharge } = await commerce.charges.hydrateCharge(,
sender: '0x5770D0616b99E89817A8D9BDe61fddc3A941BdF7',
chain_id: 1,
// Get charge
const { data: charges } = await sdk.charges.getCharges();
See examples folder for a full list.
SDK docs:
The SDK throws SDKError
instances for various error cases:
try {
const { data: charge } = await commerce.charges.createCharge({
// ... charge details
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof SDKError) {
console.error(`Error type: ${error.type}`);
console.error(`Message: ${error.message}`);
Error types include:
: API key issuesNETWORK
: Network connectivity problemsVALIDATION
: Invalid request parametersRATE_LIMIT
: Too many requestsSERVER
: Server-side errorsUNKNOWN
: Unexpected errorscorepack enable
# Install dependencies
yarn install
# Build the SDK
yarn build
# Run tests
yarn test
# Run integration tests
yarn test:integration
To generate SDK
yarn run docs
For detailed API documentation, visit the Coinbase Commerce API Reference.
There is a known issue with viem.
The temporary workaround is to add the following to your tsconfig.sjon
"skipLibCheck": true